Thursday, February 11, 2010

Quotes from the Book of Chad the Extreme

-"I wish i could laser cut with my eyes" - Extreme Chad

-Chris picks up a lightsaber in plants... Rob- "Ya dude, thats probably some dude's anal toy."

-As the storm is approaching...
Rob- "Here comes the tornado."
Amelia- "No, I heard it sounds like a freight train."
Rob- "Na, somebody told me it sounds like a Volvo."

-"Oklahoma is the worst place to drive through. Oklahoma SUCKS!" -Josh
"Why are you talking bad about Oklahoma!? That's where my family is from... dick!" -15 models

"Al Gore's not around... Global warming... Im talking global BOOM!" -Mike (reference to blowing up the model with a car battery explosion)
"Can we go galactic bowling after and not wear pants?" -Josh

-"I would he's my little friend, but that just sounds weird. I mean I don't have sex with him or anything." "I just take him out to dinner and buy him Christmas presents." -Josh

-"Why don't you name it [your files in cadgis]... if you charge me more than $4 I'll whip your ass." -Rob

-"For 2 years all he did was sit in his house, do meth, and masturbate." -Alex

-"Is she really wearing all black with brown boots?"

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